Shane Warren
A country boy by birth, I was lucky in that I had very multi-cultural thinking parents who ensured that my brothers and I witnessed life in all parts of the world before moving into our chosen career paths. This resulted in extensive periods of my life being expressed in the UK, USA, France, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, Taiwan, Philippines, and South Africa, to name a few. Following are some details about my experiences and skills but nothing that a can be gained by joining me for a coffee and chat about what you hope to achieve so we can see if I am the guy to help you on that journey… I have met the training and qualifications standards for full PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP with… Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches Association for Coaching Australia & New Zealand Institute of Coaching Australian Counselling Association Australian Institute of Company Directors Australian Institute of Management Australian Institute of Professional Counsellors Credit Ombudsman Services Limited Institute of Psychological Practice International Association of Coaching International Coach Federation International Resilience Institute Sydney Mortgage & Finance Association of Australia The American Board of Hypnotherapy The American Board of NLP Time Line Therapy Association Virtual Medicine Institute I am a dedicated professional in the helping professions and currently hold senior possessions within peak bodies responsible for best practice within the helping and welfare professions including, but not limited to, Executive Committee Member of the Asia Pacific Alliance of Coaches (co-Chair of the Ethics Board of Review and Chair of the PR Committee), Asia Pacific Regional Convener of the Association for Coaching; Licensing Committee Member for the International Association of Coaching; Clinical Counselling Adviser for Virtual Medicine Australia and Psychotherapy Executive for the International Resilience Institute. Never really knowing what I wanted to be when I grew up I have been an avid student since graduating from school, always wanting to know more, this passion has driven me to undertake studies in theology, philosophy, psychology, business, finance and specialised areas of medicine and law; which, in short, qualifies me to be a glorified counsellor by trade. In truth it has meant I have been able to perform many roles throughout my career, including trainer, business manager, youth worker, writer, coach, social researcher, political adviser and consultant. I bring to our relationship more then fifteen years experience as a group facilitator, counsellor and coach. Over the years I have worked with people from all around the world going through various stages of life change and have gained some powerful insights into what stumps us from getting ahead. Through my work I have been lucky enough to receive a few rewards and acknowledgements; these include a number of Career Achievement and Community Development Decorations through the Australia Councils Young Australian of the Year Awards Program; a position within the New Leaders Foundation and Operation Livewire New Business Program; an Order of Australia recommendation nomination and several scholarships and small business awards. My home base is Sydney but I split my time between Sydney and Hong Kong with bi-monthly visits to Melbourne, Singapore and Brisbane. I always undertake coaching work online via Skype and other chat methods. When not working I enjoy spending time with my partner and our children in whatever part of the world our work has taken us! Ph. +61 (0)2 8213 2442 E. URL. FB. Twitter. shanewarren88
Coaching Specialties
Business Coaching, C-Suite Peak Performance Coaching, Corporate/Executive Coaching, Cross Cultural Coaching, Executive Leadership Development, Global Leadership Coaching, Leadership Personal Brand Development, Leadership Team Coaching, Lifestyle Coaching, Mentor Coaching, People Management and Leadership Coaching, Personal Development Coaching, Personal Effectiveness, Project Management/Team Building Coaching, Quality of Life/Well being coaching, Relationships Coaching, Sounding-Board Coaching for Senior Leaders, Special Skills and Situations Coaching, Start Up Coaching, Success/Career Coaching, Transition Coaching, Women in Leadership Coaching
Coaching Mode
Face to Face, Telephone, Global Reach with Telephone
Coaching Certification
Associate Certified Coach (ACC)
Other Coaching Certification
Association for Coaching / International Association of Coaching
Professional Organization
Shane Warren Coaching & Counselling Services
Other Professional Organization
Association for Coaching
Number Of Years In Coaching
Coaching Involvement
Full Time